Political Reports
The political reports available in this archive are analyses and commentaries by LAP editors, authors, and collaborators with the journal.
E-mail Political Reports
LAP distributes by e-mail several reports a week that provide a valuable source of current news and analysis about events in Latin America. To receive the e-mail reports, please CLICK HERE to subscribe to the LAP e-mail list.
To access past political reports from mid-2015 to the present:
Go to the Blog on the main menu and select Blog Archives or (click here)
To find reports on specific topics or by specific authors
- click on the term in the Labels column on the lower left. Authors are listed according to the first letter of the first name.
- Enter a term in the search box at the upper left. Posts will appear from oldest to most recent. To reorder them from most recent to oldest, click on “Sort by date” on the line above the first post.
To see reports on a variety of topics, click on Political Reports in the Labels column on the left. This will bring up about 25% of the reports. For reports from 2014 and early 2015, click on a year below to see the list of available reports.