
Political Report #1450 Walking the Tightrope: Latin America’s Pink Tide

August 27th, 2020|

Political Report # 1450
Walking the Tightrope: Latin America’s Pink Tide
by Frederick B. Mills, New Politics
Latin America’s Pink Tide: Breakthroughs and Shortcomings
Steve Ellner, ed. Foreword by Boaventura de Sousa Santos
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020. 355 pp.

Latin America’s Pink Tide: Breakthroughs and Shortcomings, edited by economic historian and prominent Latin Americanist Steve Ellner, offers a critical ethical theoretical framework for assessing the performance of left and left-of-center governments in Latin America during the Pink Tide. The “Pink Tide” refers to the wave of progressive governments beginning with the election of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela in 1998. […]

Political Report #1449 What is Next for Washington After Its Failed Venezuela Strategy?

August 25th, 2020|

Political Report # 1449
What is Next for Washington After Its Failed Venezuela Strategy?

by Steve Ellner, Consortium News
It’s come out in the open now in Washington that the Trump administration’s Venezuela policy is an embarrassing failure but will the next administration wise up, or double down?, asks Steve Ellner.

Senator Chris Murphy’s recent characterization of U.S. policy toward Venezuela as an “unmitigated disaster” makes it conspicuously clear that many in the political establishment recognize the need for a change in course. The statement by such an influential Democrat may signal a policy revision toward Venezuela, though not […]

The return of the history and the indigenous of the Amazon

August 10th, 2020|

Por Rodrigo Yáñez[1] and Daniela García Grandón[2] | Aug. 10, 2020

Por Rodrigo Yáñez[1] and Daniela García Grandón[2]

With the expansion of the COVID-19 the society has experienced a return to history. Although we have never escaped it, it seemed as if the levels of hyper-connection and technological advances had put us in another dimension, that of the end of history, different from all time before. To a certain extent, the contemporary view was more open to the idea of colonizing Mars than to remembering past events such as the epidemics that struck Egypt, Rome or […]

Political Report #1448 A New “Good Neighbor Policy”

July 28th, 2020|

Political Report #1448 Long Overdue For Latin America: A New “Good Neighbor Policy” | July 28, 2020

by Medea Benjamin and Steve Ellner posted by Counterpounch

U.S. policy towards Venezuela has been a fiasco. Try as it might, the Trump regime-change team has been unable to depose President Maduro and finds itself stuck with a self-proclaimed president, Juan Guaidó, who President Trump was reported to have called “a kid” who “doesn’t have what it takes.” The Venezuelan people have paid a heavy price for Trump’s debacle, which has included crippling […]

Trump’s Second Thoughts on Juan Guaido are Not Enough

July 25th, 2020|

Political Report # 1446 | June 25, 2020

Consortium News, Steve Ellner

After nearly a year and a half of all-out efforts at regime change in Venezuela which took a
major toll on the Venezuelan people, Trump now tells the world he was never big on the strategy
in the first place. On Friday, Trump appeared to shove the blame onto advisors, and added “I
think that I wasn’t necessarily in favor” of the policy of recognizing Juan Guaidó as president,
but “I was OK with it.”Trump’s statements made it seem as if Guaidó’s only sin was that he did not manage to seize
power. This […]

México: La coyuntura de la 4T y la Covid-19

July 13th, 2020|

Por: Mauricio F. López Barreto, Posdoctorante en el Centro Peninsular en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Cephcis-UNAM)

Traspatio Maya en una comunidad del municipio de Yaxcabá, Yucatán. Fuente: el autor. | July 13, 2020

El advenimiento de la pandemia Covid-19 a principios del año en curso, vino a reforzar la tesis de prestigiosos intelectuales y académicos que el modelo neoliberal ha fracasado. En general, en el ámbito mundial se ensanchó la brecha de la desigualdad, aumentó el número de pobres, se normalizó la concentración de la riqueza en unos pocos, se hizo patente la […]

Political Report #1447 How will Venezuela’s High Court Affect the Election?

July 10th, 2020|

Political Report #1447 How will Venezuela’s High Court Affect the Election? comments by Steve Ellner and Marc Becker, LAP Editors

 featured Q&A | July 10, 2020
published at Latin America Advisor

Venezuela’s Supreme Court earlier this month seated a new electoral commission after ruling that the opposition-controlled National Assembly did not appoint rectors to the country’s electoral authority in time. How will the Supreme Court’s actions affect the scheduling of the election and its outcome? Is Juan Guaidó, who has international recognition as Venezuela’s legitimate president, likely […]

Trump’s Second Thoughts on Juan Guaido are Not Enough

July 3rd, 2020|

Political Report # 1446

Trump’s Second Thoughts on Juan Guaido are Not Enough
Consortium News — by Steve Ellner

After nearly a year and a half of all-out efforts at regime change in Venezuela which took a major toll on the Venezuelan people, Trump now tells the world he was never big on the strategy in the first place. On Friday, Trump appeared to shove the blame onto advisors, and added “I think that I wasn’t necessarily in favor” of the policy of recognizing Juan Guaidó as president, but “I was OK with it.”

Trump’s statements made it seem as if Guaidó’s only sin was that […]

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