International Scholars Recommend LAP
“Latin American Perspectives vem cumprindo, há décadas, um papel de destaque na construção de um pensamento critico na América Latina. Corajosamente, desde o centro de Império Norte Americano, a LAP explora reflexive e analiticamente, os pilares dessa dominação, seus fundamentos, suas trágicas consequências, bem como auxilia decisivamente na construção de um pensamento socialista critico e libertário. Este é o segredo de sua força e de sua vitalidade.”
– Ricardo Antunes, UNICAMP, Brasil
For over forty years I’ve been reading Latin American Perspectives and appreciating the timely articles and special issues that LAP consistently delivers. This is a journal that has changed with the times yet has remained dedicated to its first principles, serving the interests of social justice and offering clear and incisive analysis of the most important questions facing Latin America and the Caribbean.
– Florence E. Babb, Harrington Distinguished Professor in Anthropology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Latin American Perspectives continues to be a fundamental source of original progressive scholarship examining the significance of trends that are reshaping the continent and an understanding of politics and policies deeply affecting the United States and the well-being of peoples throughout the hemisphere.”
– David Barkin, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico
“For almost four decades Latin American Perspectives has been the journal to turn to for critical perspectives on the region’s complex socio-economic and political processes. It would be difficult to teach Latin American Studies without it.”
– Carmen Diana Deere, Distinguished Professor of Latin American Studies and Food & Resource Economics, University of Florida
“The interpretations and insights provided by Latin American Perspectives over the last 40 years are essential to understanding the complex developments and challenges facing Latin America in the twenty-first century. Latin American Perspectives is the first place to go to understand these occurrences in all their dimensions.”
– Steve Ellner, Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela
“Latin American Perspectives es una publicacíon comprometida con las luchas populares que enriquece las ciencias sociales y, a la vez, descubre para un público de habla inglesa las múltiples contradicciones que caracterizan la cambiante región latinoamericana, sus relaciones, con EEUU y con el resto del mundo. Reúne autores de las corrientes más diversas para enfocar los problemas más relevantes para la mejor comprensión del mundo actual.”
– Marco A. Gandásegui, Jr., CELA, Panama
“Durante casi 40 años Latin American Perspectives ha sido una ventana a América Latina, abierta al pensamiento critic y a los diálogos interdisciplinarios. Ninguna otra revista de habla inglesa ha logrado incorporar como autores y editores a tantos intelectuales latinoamericanos. Su publicación bi-mensual ha sido fundamental para mantener los diálogos académicos y politicos entre el norte y el sur de las Américas.
– Rosalva Aida Hernández Castillo, CIESAS, Mexico City
“Latin American Perspectives is a wonderful Journal, with a record of outstanding critical research. It helps us to understand the disasters of capitalism in the continent, and the struggles of the oppressed for emancipation.”
– Michael Löwy, French National Center for Scientific Research, France
Critically bold, path-breaking, and essential – Latin American Perspectives is the indispensable journal to read on the region whether that be in the past, present, or future.
– Adam David Morton, University of Sydney
“Latin American Perspectives is even more necessary today than when its voyage began in the 1970s as the region continues to set the pace for global transformation and the search for an alternative to a failed status quo. A must read for the critical thinker/actvist.”
– Ronaldo Munck, Dublin City University, Ireland
“Latin American Perspectives se ha convertido a lo largo de los años en una publicacíon indispensable para el conocimiento de los países de America latina y del caribe, analizados de un modo integral, riguroso y critic. En este caso, la duración de la revista da claro testimonio de su importancia y de su vegencia.”
– Jose Nun, Es Secretario de Cultura de Argentina
“Latin American Perspectives publishes many of the best critical, analytical, and theoretical articles in the English language on Latin America. At a time when many intellectuals have embraced neo-liberalism, LAP stands out as a major force of radical social thought.”
– James Petras, SUNY, Binghamton
“Latin American Perspectives makes a crucial contribution to maintaining a challenging, progressive, alternative perspective while being academically sound on Latin America”
– Pablo Pozzi, Profesor Titular Plenario, Universidad de Buenos Aires
“Latin American Perspectives is an indispensable resource for scholars, students, and participants who wish to be on the cusp of current trends, analyses, theoretical discussion, and debate from a critical perspective on Latin America. From social movements and political economy, to culture, revolution, race/ethnicity, feminism, ecology, and more, it’s all there in this unique journal.”
– William I. Robinson, Professor of Sociology, UC Santa Barbara
“Latin American Perspectives is the most important resource available providing in-depth progressive analyses of developments in Latin America. It is the unmissable Journal!”
– Alfredo Saad Filho, SOAS, University of London
LAP pertence ‘a comunidade do pensamento crítico latino-americano. Sua leitura é’ indispensável para quem quer seguir a história da América Latina.
– Emir Sadr, USP, Brazil
Over the years Latin American Perspectives has offered a continuous flow of free, independent and critical knowledge about Latin American. Such a sustained effort is all the more remarkable as it has managed to address the most burning issues through solid empirical work and pluralistic theoretical analyses without losing sight of the deep structural fault lines haunting the subcontinent since colonial times. Its continuation and flourishing is of great importance particularly in the current turbulent times.
– Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Professor of Sociology University of Coimbra, Distinguished Legal Scholar, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Latin American Perspectives fills a vital gap in our knowledge of this area, which is not currently covered by other journals.”
– Helen I. Safa, University of Florida, Past President, Latin American Studies Association
As a contributing editor for Latin American Perspectives for more than two decades, I can attest to both the journal’s quality and durability. LAP’s unique organizational structure has enabled it to remain on the cutting edge of the leftist critique of Latin American reality. As the journal’s relevance has grown, it has come published more editions than most academic journals and it has labored successfully to expand its impact through a vibrant website, blogs and political reports distributed on social networks. Such a presence has made LAP a sought after vehicle of new research and critical study for young as well as venerable scholars throughout the region. For all these years, I have felt privileged to be a part of this unique project.
Cliff Welch, Universidade Federal de São Paolo